Camille Hodoul

Workaround for PHP max_execution_time reached too early on Apple Silicon | Camille Hodoul

Workaround for PHP max_execution_time reached too early on Apple Silicon

June 03, 2024

There is a bug in PHP that causes the max_execution_time to be reached too early (sometimes instantly) on Apple Silicon. This affects both php-fpm and php -S on macOS 14 (Sonoma).

I have encountered this issue with macOS 14.5 on an M3 pro chip, and other users have reported it with different configurations.


The workaround is to set the max_execution_time to a very high value in your php.ini file.

max_execution_time = 99999999

Setting it to 0 or -1, despite working in CLI, does not help.

Long-term solution

At the time of writing, a fix has been merged for 8.2 and 8.3, but not released yet.

When it is released, upgrading should solve the issue. For php 8.2, it should be 8.2.20 or 8.2.21.

It is unclear if it will be backported to 8.1 as well.

For more information, see:


The PHP 8.1 homebrew shivammathur formula has been patched to include the fix, since it won’t be merged upstream in php itself.

Camille Hodoul

I'm a JavaScript and PHP developer living in Grenoble, France.